Thursday, June 23, 2011

Madison County Call to Arms

The following is maintained by Judy Wight Branson
and County Co-Coordinator Kent Transier                                  


The following narrative is excerpted from History of Madison County (Iowa) & Its People printed in 1915. It has been reformatted for easier reading. Throughout this text, initials were often used in lieu of given names.  Where well known and documented, initials have been replaced with given names.

The news soon reached Winterset that the Southern states were in rebellion and that the flag had been insulted at Charleston, South Carolina. Although fully advised of the spirit manifested by Southern leaders the people were not prepared to realize the danger menacing free institutions of the Republic and were astounded and horrified when the real situation arose and confronted them. But almost every man and woman in Madison County loved and revered the Union and rallied at the first call, to express their sentiments.
Mass meetings from this on were the order of the day and night, and but little time was lost before action was taken. At one of these meetings, held on April 24, 1861, at the Christian Church, in Winterset, a large assemblage of people met in the house of worship and was presided over by Dr. D. B. Allen; John J. Davies acted as secretary. The object of the meeting was to discuss the ominous situation of the country and to ascertain how many persons in the county were willing to join a military company, or companies, for home protection. A committee of ten was appointed for the purpose of securing the names of those desiring to become members of the proposed companies. That committee was composed of the following named persons: Lewis D. Karns, Lorenzo N. Clark, William L. Leonard, Alfred Hood, Nathan Garretson, Henderson C. Carter, Frederick Mott, William Shannon, John W. Holbrook and Charles Gaskill.
It was the sense of the meeting that both the cavalry and infantry company should be organized, and that as their formation would be for home protection the citizens should furnish the enlisted men with arms. Thereupon, the Madison County Rangers, a cavalry company, was organized and the patriotic citizens signing their names that evening to the rolls of the cavalry company were: Jacob Israel Denman, John M. Lambert, E. W. Evans, David Dekalb Davisson, Charles A. Gaskill, Henderson C. Carter, George M. Rutledge, Henry M. Porter, B. M. Bixby, William Reynolds, Samuel Conigan, Butler Bird, William C. Newlon.
An infantry company was also formed and assumed the name of the Winterset Guards. Its muster roll showed the following names:
John M. Andrews
Nathan Anderson Harlan
Leander Pitzer
Oliver C. Ayres
William P. Hastings
William R. Shriver
Thomas Bardrick
John M. Holaday
James Stafford
Sylvester G. Beckwith
John D. Holbrook
John Stiffler
Derrick D. Bennett
Benjamin C. Howell
George W. Stiffler
George W. Betts
William M. Jenkins
Thomas M. Stiffler
David W. Burnett
Lewis D. Karns
D. W. Thompson
F. I. Cash
Jacob W. Kirk
Charles Tibbles
Francis M. Cassidy
Jesse R. Lambert
Miller Richard Tidrick
Lorenzo N. Clark
Hamilton Marlow
Cal Trion
J. W. Craven
Benjamin F. Murray
C. C. Ward
Henry J. B. Cummings
John Nichol
E. T. Warner
Henry C. Farnsworth
James P. Noel
Joseph D. Williams
Milton Foster
Asbury Nosler
John H. Williams
Titus W. Fouch
Eli Odell
Seymour B. Williams
William H. Goodwin
F. M. Pickerell

The "Rangers" met on the evening of the 26th and selected these officers:

Captain David Dekalb Davisson
First Lieutenant, George M. Rutledge
Second Lieutenant, Butler Bird
Third Lieutenant, B. F. Bixby
Orderly Sergeant, Henderson C. Carter

The men joining the "Rangers" were required to furnish themselves with a horse and saddle "and such arms as each might obtain." And the object of the organization, by the records, was to "defend the citizens and property of Madison County when the contingency might require it." This was the first military company organized in Madison County.

Other warlike movements on the part of the citizens took place, one closely upon the other, and a few of them will be related in order to show the spirit and feelings of the people at that time of national travail. On April 27, 1861, Sylvester G. Beckwith and Jesse R. Lambert announced the receipt of their commissions from the adjutant general of the state, to organize a company of volunteers "in this senatorial district." At the close of this announcement the newly made officials sent out this appeal. "Let not the young men of our district be slow in responding to the call of their country in a time of danger." To encourage others it was reported that Sylvester G. Beckwith, Jesse R. Lambert, Butler Bird, William L. Leonard, James McCleary, William C. Newlon and Benjamin F. Murray had already volunteered.

On April 27, 1861, the following call was issued: "The people of Madison County, in favor of sustaining the Government in its endeavors to maintain and preserve the Union in its present crisis, are requested to meet at Winterset on Saturday, May 4, 1861, at 1P. M., for the purpose of giving expression to their views as American citizens. Signed, Albert West, M. L. McPherson, Masten Glazebrook, L. S. Garrett, Alfred Hood, Cal Ballard, Charles D. Bevington, John Leonard, Henry J. B. Cummings, Samuel Hamilton, Lewis Mayo, John J. Davies, W. L. Hart, D. D. Davisson, Nathan Garretson, Isaac L. Tidrick, John McLeod, William Compton, J. W. Moody, John A. Pitzer, D. B. Allen, William L. Leonard, Levi Morton Tidrick, Jonas Figley Brock.

At St. Charles, May 1, 1861, a large and enthusiastic war meeting was held; a Union pole was raised and a beautiful large flag, made and presented by the ladies of that neighborhood, was run up to the breeze. The occasion was enlivened by music from the Indianola Brass Band and Union speeches were made by Dr. William L. Leonard, of Winterset, and Lewis Todhunter, of Indianola. "Ringing patriotic resolutions were adopted."

Great excitement prevailed throughout the county and war with the South was the exclusive subject of general conversation. Those opposed to the prosecution of the war kept their views to themselves, while in public places, for the danger of violence was imminent.

On May 1, 1861, Elder A. Bradfield, of the Winterset Christian Church, delivered an ultra patriotic sermon in favor of the war for the Union. Other local ministers were equally patriotic in the pulpit.

The following extracts from the Madisonian are matters of local history and should be of more than ordinary interest to the present and future generations, if not of the past: A detachment of regular soldiers from Fort Randall, Dakota Territory, on their way to the seat of war passed through Winterset May 4th. They were entertained by the citizens and given a hearty reception.

May 18th, the Clinton Guards of this county met for organization and elected the following officers:

Captain, Robert A. Stitt
First Lieutenant Empson H. Venard
Second Lieutenant William T. Shelburn
Ensign, J. Brinson
First sergeant, Jacob Hyskill

The company numbered forty-four men. They proposed to uniform themselves forthwith and report to the Government.Henry J. B. Cummings, captain Colston P. Lee, Private

About May 20th sixty stands of arms passed through Winterset for Page County, which was threatened with attack by rebels from Gentry County, Missouri.

Before May 25th "Madison County Guards," of Winterset, had disbanded, by reason of internal disagreement, and another organization was perfected which took the name of the "Union Zouaves." This organization was consisted of:

John R. Nichol, first lieutenant Ronald Bain, Private

Jesse R. Lambert, second lieutenant Charles Danforth, Private

John M. Andrews, third lieutenant Joseph D. Williams, Private

Lorenzo N. Clark, first sergeant Casper Armbreast, Private

John Stuart Goshorn, second sergeant Asbury Nosler, Private

William P. Hastings, third sergeant Benjamin F. Murray, Private

S. Pitzer, fourth sergeant John Hinkle, Private

John Stiffler, fifth sergeant E. W. Reynolds, Private

J. W. Burnett, Corporal Thomas M. Stiffler, Private

Emanuel A. Huber, Corporal George S. Stiffler, Private

John M. Holaday, Corporal Marion Cassiday, Private

E. C. Ward, Corporal John P. Wallace, Private

Frederick Mott, Private J. S. White, Private

John J. Davies, Private

May 25th, another company was due to be organized, which styled itself "The Silver Greys," and was composed of men over thirty years of age.

June 27th Capt. P. Gad Bryan, of Indianola, made a stirring speech at the Christian Church, in the effort to secure recruits, for his cavalry company. He made an impressive address which was followed by M. L. McPherson, of Winterset. At the conclusion, the following Madison County men were enlisted: Jesse R. Lambert, William R. Shriver, Charles Tibbles, David W. Burnett, Thomas M. Stiffler, John Faurote, James D. Jenks, Everett S. Ewing, Milton Carter, James Harvey Bird, David D. Burnett, George W. Tibbles, John H. Williams, and Butler Bird.

During the latter part of April a company had been organized in Madison Township, of which William F. Clampitt, a Mexican war veteran, was captain. This military organization was the subject of much reckless talk for some time, as the loyalty of certain of its members was much questioned, and as strongly defended by Captain Clampitt.

June 29th E. S. Ewing, of Winterset, advertised for cavalry horses. The owners were asked to give a credit of six months to volunteers with approved security. He didn’t secure many.

July 13th Capt. Henry J. B. Cummings’ Company G, Fourth Iowa Regiment, started for its rendezvous at Council Bluffs. Their departure was one of the saddest affairs that ever occurred in the County. Probably every eye that witnessed the scene was blinded by tears. Not even the most indifferent or hardened person withheld his emotions. It was never forgotten by anyone present.

Previous to the departure of Company G, on July 12th, the ladies in and near Winterset gave a festival supper to the company. It was one worthy of the ladies and the occasion. After the soldiers had eaten their fill there was an abundance for the citizens present. At this festival the ladies presented the company with a beautiful flag. Miss Geraldine Squire made the presentation address and the response was by the captain, Henry J. B. Cummings.

August 31, Lieut. John D. Jenks, and Serg. Jesse R. Lambert, of Bryan’s Cavalry, were home on a few days leave of absence. On their return the following recruits went with them: William O. Ludlow, Joseph Reynolds, Edward Marlow, Matthew Wilkins, James K. McCandless and "Curly Joe."

September 1st, the board of supervisors appropriated $150 out of the county funds, for the benefit of the families of volunteers of Madison County, who were left in destitute circumstances by reason of such enlistments, if there should be any.

The above excerpts, which were scattered hither and yon, throughout the various issues of the Madisonian during the stirring year of 1861, give a good portrayal of the things that most interested the people in Madison County at that time. Many such events occurred before the close of hostilities between the North and the South. It certainly would be interesting reading, to many, to give a full relation of the local war time incidents, but space will not permit. However, Madison County did her part, faithfully and well, in putting down rebellion and upholding the glory and integrity of republican institutions. The county was represented in a number of different regimental organizations and furnished 710 men to the ranks of the Union army, which was in excess of her quota. The commissioned officers from Madison County in that great conflict were as follows:

William Anderson First Lieutenant Company F, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

Charles S. Armstrong First Lieutenant Company A, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

Oliver C. Ayers First Lieutenant Company A, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

Sylvester G. Beckwith First Lieutenant Company A, Twenty-third Iowa Infantry

Adolphus Bradfield Captain Company F, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

J. M. Browne Captain Company F, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

William W. Buchanan Second Lieutenant Company E, Fifth Iowa Cavalry

Dr. Samuel B. Cherry Surgeon Forty-seventh Iowa Infantry

Daniel E. Cooper Captain Company F, Fourth Iowa Infantry

John M. Cooper Second Lieutenant Company F, Fourth Iowa Cavalry

Henry J. B. Cummings Colonel Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

William Early First Lieutenant Company I, Fourth Iowa Cavalry

George N. Elliott Lieutenant Colonel Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

John Dwight Ewing First Lieutenant Company H, Twenty-third Iowa Infantry

James H. Goolman Captain Company H, Twenty-third Iowa Infantry

John Stuart Goshorn Captain Company E. Forty-seventh Iowa Infantry

George Gregory Second Lieutenant Company K Eleventh Iowa Infantry

Samuel G. Guiberson Captain Company A, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

William Hastings First Lieutenant Company I, Fourth Iowa Cavalry

James D. Jenks Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, First Iowa Iowa Cavalry

John P. Jones Second Lieutenant Company A, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

John A. Kelly First Lieutenant Company F, Fourth Iowa Infantry

Jesse R. Lambert First Lieutenant Company I, Fourth Iowa Cavalry

Dr. William L. Leonard Surgeon Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

Robert E. Martin First Lieutenant Company C Thirty-third Iowa Infantry

Josi McLeod Quartermaster Sergeant Third Iowa Infantry

Frederick Mott Quartermaster Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

Leander Pitzer First Lieutenant Company F, Fourth Iowa Infantry

William Pursell Captain Company I. Fourth Iowa Cavalry

Jonathan B. Rawls Second Lieutenant Company A, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

Edward W. Raymond Quartermaster Sergeant Company I, Fourth Iowa Cavalry

John L. Shipley First Lieutenant Company H, Twenty-third Iowa Infantry

William R. Shriver First Lieutenant First Iowa Cavalry

Davis S. Smith First Lieutenant Company K, Eleventh Iowa Infantry

John W. Stiffler Second Lieutenant Company K, Tenth Iowa Infantry

Thomas W. Stiles Captain Company F, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry

Robert A. Stitt Adjutant Fourth Iowa Infantry

Miller Richard Tidrick First Lieutenant Company G, Third Iowa Infantry

Adoniram J. Tisdale Captain Company F, Fourth Iowa Infantry

Of the above named officers, John D. Ewing, Leander Pitzer, Oliver C. Ayers and John P. Jones were killed in battle or died of wounds received while in battle.

The following are some observations by the County Coordinator, Kent Transier.

Although the Madison County Rangers (Cavalry) and Winterset Guards (Infantry) who signed up on that Wednesday night in April 1861 disbanded because of bickering among the leadership, some of the members went on to serve their county and the Union. The following list details the eventual service of the members of those two groups.

Madison County Rangers Service

Butler Bird Quartermaster Sergeant, Company D, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 13 Jun 1861, discharged 14 Feb 1863

B. M. Bixby No record of service

Henderson C. Carter No record of service

Samuel Conigan No record of service

Jacob Israel Denman No record of service

David Dekalb Davisson No record of service

E. W. Evans No record of service

Charles A. Gaskill No record of service

John M. Lambert No record of service

William C. Newlon Third Sergeant, Company G, 3rd Infantry, enlisted 21 May 1861, slightly wounded at Shiloh, lost a leg, discharged 06 Apr 1863

Henry M. Porter No record of service

William Reynolds Third Sergeant, Company I, 4th Cavalry, enlisted 21 Oct 1861, discharged 18 Jun 1862

George M. Rutledge No record of service

It is interesting to note that just 3 of the original 13 Rangers ended up serving from Madison County.  Of the remaining 10, it is not known whether their fervor cooled, they were turned off by the in-fighting, they were turned down at enlistment, or they served from elsewhere. Of the Winterset Guard, 27 of 47 went on to serve and another 4 may have served but the names are in question.

Winterset Guard Service

John M. Andrews Quartermaster Sergeant, Command, 39th Infantry, enlisted 17 Aug 1862, appointed 24 Nov 1862

Oliver C. Ayres First Lieutenant, Company A, 39th Infantry, enlisted 08 Aug 1862, commissioned 24 Nov 1862

Thomas Bardrick No record of service

Sylvester G. Beckwith First Lieutenant, Company H, 23rd Infantry, enlisted 22 Jul 1862, wounded at Black River Bridge, died of wound 05 Jun 1863

Derrick D. Bennett No record of service

George W. Betts Private, Company A, 39th Infantry, enlisted 12 Aug 1862

David W. Burnett Private, Company D, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 18 Jul 1861

F. I. Cash No record of service

Francis Marion Cassidy Private, Company A, 39th Infantry, enlisted 13 Aug 1862

Lorenzo N. Clark No record of service

J. W. Craven No record of service (A John D. Craven served in the 23rd Infantry).

Henry J. B. Cummings Colonel, Command, 39th Infantry, enlisted 01 Jul 1861 as Captain, Company F, 4th Infantry

Henry C. Farnsworth No record of service

Milton Foster No record of service

Titus W. Fouch No record of service

William H. Goodwin Private, Company F, 4th Infantry, enlisted 01 Jul 1861, wounded at Vicksburg

Nathan Anderson Harlan No record of service (A John A. P. Harlan served in 39th Infantry).

William P. Hastings First Sergeant, Company I, 4th Cavalry, enlisted 14 Oct 1861

John M. Holaday Private, Company F, 4th Infantry, enlisted 01 Jan 1862, wounded at Pea Ridge, discharged

John D. Holbrook No record of service

Benjamin C. Howell Eighth Corporal, Company H, 23rd Infantry, enlisted 09 Aug 1862, discharged for disability 26 Aug 1863

William M. Jenkins No record of service

Lewis D. Karns No record of service

Jacob W. Kirk Private, Company D, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 13 Feb 1864

Jesse R. Lambert First Lieutenant, Company I, 4th Cavalry, enlisted 01 Jul 1861, resigned 02 Jul 1862

Hamilton Marlow No record of service (An Eddy Marlow served in Company E, 47th Infantry).

Benjamin F. Murray Company G, 3rd Infantry, enlisted 21 May 1861, taken prisoner at Shiloh

John Nichol No record of service

James P. Noel No record of service

Asbury Nosler Quartermaster Sergeant, Command, 47th Infantry

Eli Odell No record of service

F. M. Pickerell No record of service

Leander Pitzer First Lieutenant, Company F, 4th Infantry, enlisted 01 Jul 1861, wounded at Vicksburg 28 Dec 1862, died of wounds at Paducah, Kentucky 23 Jan 1863

William R. Shriver First Lieutenant, Company D, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 31 Jul 1861, resigned 18 Jun 1864

James Stafford Second Corporal, Company F, 4th Infantry, enlisted 01 Jul 1861, wounded at Chickasaw Bayou, killed in action at Cherokee 23 Oct 1863

John Stiffler Second Lieutenant, Company K, 10th Infantry, enlisted 28 Sep 1861, killed at Missionary Ridge 25 Nov 1863

George W. Stiffler Private, Company F, 4th Infantry, enlisted 15 Nov 1861, wounded at Chickasaw Bayou

Thomas M. Stiffler Fifth Sergeant, Company F, 4th Infantry, enlisted 01 Jul 1861, wounded at Chicasaw Bayou and Vicksburg, died of wounds 14 Aug 1863

D. William Thompson Private, Company A, 39th Infantry, enlisted 14 Aug 1862

Charles Tibbles Private, Company F, 4th Infantry, enlisted 01 Jul 1861, taken prisoner at Clayville, Arkansas

Miller Richard Tidrick Commissary Sergeant, Company G, 3rd Infantry, enlisted 20 May 1861, resigned 23 May 1862

Cal Trion No record of service

C. C. Ward No record of service

E. T. Warner No record of service (An Ephraim P. Warner served in Company G, 3rd Infantry).

John H. Williams Private, Company F, 4th Infantry, enlisted 01 Jul 1861, wounded at Chickasaw Bluffs, died of wounds at Young's Point 14 Feb 1863

Joseph D. Williams Private, Company F, 4th Infantry, enlisted 01 Jul 1861, died from hernia 17 Sep 1861

Seymour B. Williams Fourth Corporal, Company H, 23rd Infantry, enlisted 09 Aug 1862, wounded at Spanish Fort, Alabama 30 Mar 1865, died 02 Apr 1865

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Maintained by Judy Wight Branson and County Co-Coordinator Kent Transier

This page was last updated Thursday, 05-Feb-2009 23:56:32 CST

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A long article, but an interesting point of view. WHY THE "SMART" PARTY NEVER LEARNS   If your views by definition are enlightened...