Already six months now into the COVID19 shelter in place.
I've had plenty of time to read and write during this time. I finished the narrative of my GGrandfather's journals, then I wrote a small book about my Grandfather and the 168th Inf. during the First World War.
I then dusted off an old, unfinished project: my year in Vietnam, way back in 1964. I'm almost finished with that book after some 50 years of thinking about writing it and writing it. All three are here listed below.
I'm learning how to market and get the word out about these three works. I've started with promoting and offering two of them through The PDF is large so I'd need to send it to you via Dropbox. Except for Blurb Bookstore, I do all my own fulfillment.
Please visit for more info.
Works of Chris Newlon Green:
"A Civil War Narrative: Journals, Letters and Verse of William Clark Newlon"
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Letters Home: Viet Nam 1964
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From Blue to a Gold Star
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